Friday, September 12, 2008

Do You Mind If This Medical Student Observes Your Examination?

I seem to get asked this question on a regular basis. And honestly, I don't care if a whole army comes in to have a peek at my nether regions. I've been through infertility testing, multiple IVFs, prenatal care, labor and delivery, and miscarriage. It is completely impossible to embarrass me anymore. I'll let a doctor look at anything, I will ask any question, and I'll do it all without the slightest hint of a blush.

As you might have surmised, I had a doctor visit today. Everything is going well, so far. I start my progesterone shots today, which I am not looking forward to, but up to this point the whole process has been a breeze, so I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

The only unfortunate part is that my husband is going to be out of town on business for the next couple of days, which means I had to ask a friend if she would accept the honor of sticking needles in my rear end. In case you were wondering what the definition of true friendship is, her willingness to do this about covers it.

Everything is looking good so far. I've got a nice, comfy-looking uterine lining, all my hormones are in order, and we are anxiously awaiting a scheduled transfer on Thursday. I am just praying our little embryos will survive the thawing process.

Oh, and more good news is that if I do get pregnant, my doctor says he might allow me to switch to progesterone suppositories instead of the thick IM shots (assuming the hormone levels look good). Let's hear it for less pain in the butt!

1 comment:

fiona said...

Can't embarrass me anymore either! It's kinda like a badge of honor, don't ya think ;) I WAS a bit embarrassed at my pre-marriage check-up, when a med student observed (at least she was a girl, but still!), but after all the IF and preg., whatever...

I'm so glad to hear that all is well, yippee for nice, thick linings! We're definitely praying for you and your little guys...