Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blogging From The Couch

We've made it past the first big hurdle! One of our embryos survived the thaw beautifully and was expanding so fast they had us come in for transfer a couple hours earlier than originally planned. So I am now relegated to bed rest for 24 hours. Thank goodness for wireless Internet, laptops, televisions, and phones!

I was really nervous this morning, especially when the doctor's office called asking us to come in early. I started to over analyze everything - how did the nurse sound? Did she sound like she had good news or bad news? Do you think she would have us come in early if it was bad news?, etc. Luckily it was good news.

I am a little nervous about our hopes being dependent on only one embryo, but knowing it looked really good and was doing so well beforehand is comforting. And besides, it's a bit of a relief to know we are not going to have twins. (While I would love to have twins at some point, I really wanted to have just one child next so my son wouldn't be so overwhelmed, and so he could have a little friend that didn't come with a built-in playmate. It will be easier for him if he doesn't have to be a third wheel his whole life).

So now we get to hold our breath for two weeks. This is the worst part - the am-I-am-I-not game. And having been pregnant twice before doesn't help matters, because I am sure to over analyze every similarity or dissimilarity to my past experiences.

We're keeping our fingers crossed.


fiona said...

I've been waiting for this post!!! We've been thinking of y'all all week, and I'm so glad that you had such a strong little embryo who didn't mind coming out of hibernation for you! Good luck keeping busy during the next two weeks...that is such a killer. I'm sure Michael will keep you busy, though, so no worries there. Keep us posted, we will help you analyze any symptoms...that will be super helpful ;)

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, too! I hope we get to hear good news soon, and how cool would that be if you and Kristin are pregnant at the same time again! You really are the coolest person, Bonnie. I wish nothing but the best for you and your adorable little family.