Saturday, August 30, 2008

You Know You're Infertile When...

The thermometer gets more action than your husband does in your desperate attempts to keep your basal temperature registering high.

You have a kind of pregnant-woman magnetism. If there is a pregnant woman within a 2 mile radius, she will run into you.

You have actually offered to let the doctor insert a permanent hose in your arm for all the blood testing.

No matter what month it is or when you last had sex, you know what your due date would be without doing any calculations.

You have a pregnancy radar - you always know when an old friend who hasn't talked to you in years will be emailing you to tell you she's expecting.

You could give a seminar on evaluating cervical fluid.

You've lost any vestiges of doctor's office-related modesty. For all you care they can bring in the whole staff to have a peek at you.

You keep a pregnancy test in the house, just in case.

You've perfected the zone-out technique at baby showers, and can ooh and ahh over baby clothes while thinking about what you are going to have for dinner.

And you can read a list like this and nod your head in agreement the whole time.


fiona said...

That was great!! And, yep, nodding along the whole time...I'll add one: calculate how much money you wasted on condoms during the-time-when-you-thought-you-needed-to-prevent-pregnancy and kick yourself when you realize you could have purchased an airplane ticket somewhere with all that dough.

Unknown said...

AhhHaaaa! I hear ya, Fiona! When we moved from Virginia, Spencer found our old stash of condoms in the bedstand and he said to me, "Well...Should we go pass these out at the local high school?" That was probably the first time I was able to laugh over the situation!

Julia said...

:D to all of you.

Bonnie said...

I completely agree with you. I remember one time when we were on vacation and I ran out of birth control pills. We were only one day past when I should have started a new pack when I got the next set, but it was enough to cause vigilant condom-use for the next week. I think about it now and just cringe with the irony of it. What a waste of money.

Kristin said...

It's frightening how true some of these are. I will confess that I knew my due date with Clara immediately upon seeing those two pink lines. Due date calculators? Who needs 'em.