Saturday, August 23, 2008


One of the funny things about life is that one person can be completely bitter about an issue they are dealing with, and at the same time look at someone else complaining about a different issue and think "Gee, why are you complaining so much about that? Why aren't you just grateful for what you have?"

So with that in mind, I'm going to go ahead and say that it really, really annoys me when people complain about pregnancy. I'm not talking about the I-feel-terrible-I-wish-I-felt-better stuff. I'm talking about the I-hate-being-pregnant-why-are-we-having-another-baby kind of griping. It makes me want to scream.

I have an acquaintance who would often complain about pregnancy in this manner, even while knowing I was struggling with infertility. Every time she would say, "Why are we having another baby?" I would have to bite my tongue so I wouldn't make some snotty reply. It was just so hard for me to watch this woman, who could have a baby whenever she felt like it, complain about what a burden pregnancy was, and how much she hated it, and how overwhelmed she was going to be when the baby arrived. I just wanted to tell her to shut up. (Though I am proud to say that I never did... to her face anyway. I never said I was perfect).

Anytime someone complains about being pregnant I want to say, "I'll trade places with you. I would give anything to have another baby. And obviously you just don't appreciate what you have."

But it makes me wonder what sort of things I have that people think I don't appreciate.

1 comment:

fiona said...

Same here! Dealing with infertility has totally made me be more in tune with other people's lives in general. Well, TRY to be more in tune. As I realized that many people take for granted being able to get pregnant and honestly don't really think about people who CAN'T easily get pregnant, it has made me actually appreciate all the stuff I CAN do more, and hopefully be more sensitive to those who are dealing with issues I would otherwise take for granted. And I'm not perfect at it, but I know I'm very much more aware and that all this IF stuff has made me more empathetic in general, so there's a silver lining! ...hmmmm...that was probably about a million run-on sentences and many other grammatical errors I shudder to think of, but I'm too lazy to fix it all. Hopefully you get the gist... :P