Friday, August 22, 2008

I Don't Get It

I think a lot about the inequities of reproducing. I'm not talking about how the burden is almost completely on the woman - that's a subject for another post. I'm talking about how one woman can have 7 children by batting her eyelashes at her husband, while another has had 7 miscarriages, and another can't have children at all. Or how drug addicts and teenagers seem to be able to pop out a lot of unwanted babies, even when you factor in the staggering number of abortions that take place each year.

Partly I have to remind myself it's just part of the whole consequences thing. One of the consequences of sex is pregnancy, and the Lord won't interfere with that, even though it means sending babies to some pretty bad situations. But it's maddening to see these little babies being born to horrible situations (or being aborted) when there are so many good, faithful people out there who would give anything to be parents.

Like I said, I just don't get it.

1 comment:

K + J said...

I'm not sure if anyone checks this blog anymore, and I'm feeling a little silly posting all these comments when I'm a bit of a stranger, but here goes, anyway. This post struck a chord with me today. My husband and I have been trying for two years. We are recent graduates of BYU-Idaho, and we're not exactly rolling in the dough. So for now, we wait. I'm sure you know the drill.
Anyway, a distant cousin of my husband's has recently come into our lives. She's 18, not a member, and a little...precocious. We reconnected with her at a recent family reunion. On Saturday, we found out via another cousin that she was pregnant and considering abortion. We immediately offered to adopt the child (something I thought I'd never volunteer to do). Long story short, she went through with the abortion yesterday. Oi vey. I don't get it either.