Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Results are IN and the results are GOOD :)

Despite our rocky start, our IVF cycle has apparently worked! Blood test yesterday confirmed what 4 days of frantic peeing into a tiny little plastic tub and setting a dip-stick in it had hinted at. By "hinted" I mean the first day I did an hpt it came back negative. The next two days were very, very, very faint positives, but somewhat after the time limit. The last day was FINALLY within the time-frame and darker than the others, but as all my extensive (as in "Internet") research pointed to a great possibility of getting positive hpt results as early if not earlier than when I tested, I was slightly nervous. Maybe my hcg levels just weren't very high? Maybe this wasn't going to be a viable pregnancy? Maybe, maybe, maybe... And while we're nowhere near actually having this baby (or babies) in arms, at least the results from my blood test came back nice and strong. Phew. And YIPPEE!! :)


Bonnie said...

Congratulations, Fiona! We are absolutely thrilled for you! What great news!

Unknown said...

AHHH!!! NO WAY!!! I can't believe we get to be among the first to know! We were all rooting for you! I'm SO excited for you! Isn't it crazy how everything can happen so fast and how everything falls into place when it's meant to be?! Love it! Wishing you good health!