Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Stay of Execution

Well, the blog has gotten a reprieve and will not be deleted in the near future. Thanks, everyone for your comments. In honor of the occasion, I will do something shocking and write a new post!

I was reading an article in Newsweek yesterday about a doctor who works to help women through their high-order-multiple pregnancies, and couldn't resist scrolling through the 100+ comments at the end of the article. I must say, I was rather shocked. Not at people disagreeing with infamous "Octomom", Nadya Suleman's, actions (I agree that her behavior was abhorrent, and the doctor who performed the IVF procedure on her should lose his medical license), but at the dozens of people who had horrible things to say about fertility treatment in general. You wouldn't believe the number of people who had nasty things to say.

Some highlights:

"Given the current state of world affairs, and the current economic crisis and the risks of global warming, I think it is terribly selfish for any one to have children and it is tantamount to child abuse to give birth to one child, let alone multiple children."

In case you were wondering if the devil was working overtime at destroying the family... Honestly, child abuse to have a baby? Parenthood is terribly selfish? What?! Being a parent is having the selfishness beat out of you one stroke at a time, day after day. It is impossible to be selfish when you have to put the needs of someone else above yours nearly every minute of every day, especially when that someone is small, helpless, and completely dependent on you for everything.

"Naturally these couples are infertal for a reason, religiously God has rendered them barren for His own reason, morally there is a reason childless couples should adopt, and ethically there is a reason good society should step in and stop all of these insane, and un-natural procedures, and treatments, including invetro fertilization."

Yes, perhaps he has "rendered them barren" to teach them patience, sympathy, compassion, love, and that they must pray, fast, and do everything within their power to show their desire to become parents. Knowing, as we do, that the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force, I have no qualms whatsoever about having my own biological children.

"IVF shouldn't be an option as long as there are kids without homes."

How about sex - should sex be allowed as long as there are kids without homes? Because there are a whole lot of people having kids the normal way, without even meaning to get pregnant, simply as a consequence of having sex.

"I'm infertile and I agree with the other posters who mention adoption. There's a difference between wanting to be a parent and wanting to reproduce. One is selfless and the other is selfish."

Um, excuse me, but there is NOTHING selfish about choosing fertility treatment over adoption. Yes, there are kids who need homes, but all the bureaucratic red tape, years of waiting, exorbitant cost, and lack of infants available make it next to impossible to adopt. And you always run the risk of some good-for-nothing biological parent coming back in a few years and convincing the courts to yank your child out of your life. (And do the self-righteous do-gooders who insist that adoption is the only choice have a house full of special-needs foster kids themselves? Didn't think so.)

"How long does it take for a woman who believes in God to realize He's said NO? God doesn't always say yes."

Yes, you are right. God doesn't always say yes. But a "no" from God isn't necessarily permanent - it may mean "not right now", "not this way" or "do everything you can do first". And it's sort of handy to have personal revelation, direct from God, telling you when and how to go about having a family.

"if you're infertile, clearly "god's plan" didn't include you getting pregnant organically! have you not heard of adoption??"

Just one question - does this commenter wear glasses? Because if so, she should stop right now. Clearly God's plan did not include her being able to steer clear of walls and moving vehicles. Or has she ever taken tylenol for a headache? Or used medication to control her diabetes? Or put a broken foot in a cast? I could go on and on. This argument is simply ridiculous.

All right, my blood pressure is now through the roof, and I'm inches from punching my computer screen, so I guess that means enough comments.

Clearly, these people need to get over themselves. And they could use a few lessons on the plan of salvation and the importance of families.

Thank heaven for the restored gospel. And thank heaven for fertility treatments.

1 comment:

fiona said...

Oh my goodness...this is totally insane...and I've heard this stuff before, and as much as I just want to let it run off makes me so mad. Those people know nothing of God's plan for other individuals, and it is so glaringly OBVIOUS that if His plan is for someone to not have children, then all the procedures, etc. that they do will ultimately fail. Sheesh. And EXACTLY! about the many other ways we have to improve our health/medical maladies. Infertility is a medical condition, and everyone has the right to seek help for a medical condition. And we are so blessed to have such amazing help available to us nowadays. These people obviously don't understand the principle of doing all you can do when faced with a trial. No, actually they just see it not as a trial, but as a judgment, that infertile people just are not supposed to have bio children, which is just plain stupid, because like I said before, if that is what God intends for someone, than that is what will happen. It insults Him, I think, to imply that He decided one thing and then doesn't have the power to enforce it. That people can go to a mere mortal and change what God has already decided. And I could go on and on and on, but I won't. I'll just keep rolling my eyes for a while, though. Idiots. And jerks. I hope this was semi-coherent, I'm kinda typing fast in my ticked-off state. Though I do feel better now. Dumb people.